invited presentations
July 14, 2011 EDUMOOC live event webinar panelist
Keynote address/workshop: Summer Teaching with Technology (TTI) Conference at Long Island University Brooklyn Campus July 13, 2011 – Teaching and Learning in the Cloud
Keynote address: Summer Teaching with Technology (TTI) Conference at Long Island University CW Post Campus July 12, 2011 – Teaching and Learning in the Cloud
Keynote address: teaching and learning in the cloud for the 2011 Penn State Colloquy, at the Behrend College.-Harnessing the power of hybrid and online teaching and learning, May 11, 2011
May 2, 2011 hosted webinar for the NUTN Virtual Event: Adapting the Technology: Stories from Innovative Educators, The New Normal in Distance Education: Adaptation Stories – A NUTN Virtual Conference April 18 – May 16, 2011
NUTN Virtual Conference April 18 – May 16, 2011: Utilizing Web 2.0 Apps to Enhance Teaching & Learning with Dr. Curtis Bonk and Dr. Roger Lee Boston a STARLINK presentation aired originally 1/25/2010 [00:53:35]
Annual Sloan-C International Conference on Online Learning. November 20010. Panel: Effective Practices Awards Winners 2010 November 2-5, 2010. 2010 Effective Practice Award for innovation, impact, replicability, evidence and scope.
Invited plenary keynote address: Teaching Outside the “box” – Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater, Mass. Ed Tech Day 2010. and
Invited Keynote: Going Beyond Google – Monroe Community College professional development event for the division of Science, Health, and Business. January 22, 2010.
Invited Keynote address: Teaching outside the “box” at their faculty development day. Community College of Baltimore County May 25, 2010.
Invited panelist: Choosing the Right Blend – Ubiquitous Technology in the Face-to-face Classroom, RPI 2010 Colloquium on Teaching and Learning .
Invited panelist: Sloan-C ALN Conference, October 30, 2009. Profiles, Opportunities, and Challenges: Institutional Models of Distance Education with Pete Rubba, Penn State World Campus and Raymond Schroeder, University of Illinois at Springfield.
Best in Track presentation: Sloan-C ALN conference October 29, 2009, Measuring Impact: Faculty Development Effectiveness with Larry Ragan, Penn State World Campus; Shari McCurdy-Smith, University of Illinois; Christina Sax, Shippensburg University; Susan Ko, University of Maryland University College.
Invited pre-conference workshop: The 15th Sloan Consortium International Conference on Online Learning – the power of online learning: opportunities for tomorrow. October 27-30, 2009. The Essential Attributes of Faculty Development Programs – which ones are you missing? Oct 28, 2009 with Carol McQuiggan.
Invited 3-hour workshop: Teaching outside the “box” Campus Technology 2009 Conference, July 27-30, 2009 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center in Boston, MA –
Invited Keynote address: Teaching outside the “box” at their faculty development day. Community College of Baltimore County May 25, 2010.
Invited keynote addresses: by the US State Department and INACAP, Chile. September 2009.
Invited speaker: Twitter & Education Symposium – August 11, 2009. Johnson County Community College. Coordinated entirely via twitter via @dwicksspu.
SUNY Delhi second annual 2-3-98 Conference: An Open Discussion on Technology in Higher Education, August 6-7, 2009.
Invited 3-hour workshop: Teaching outside the “box” Campus Technology 2009 Conference, July 27-30, 2009 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center in Boston, MA –
Invited workshop: New Media Consortium summer conference (#nmc2009), June 9, 2009 – June 13, 2009 in Monterey, California hosted by California State University, Monterey Bay.
Invited panelist: Multi-Campus Colleges and Universities in Second Life
Panelists: John2 Kepler (SL) Harry Pence (RL), Hondomac Dalgliesh (SL) Ian MacLeod (RL), LoriVonne Lustre (SL) Lorraine Storry Mockford (RL), Alejandra Subagja (SL) Alexandra Pickett (RL), Shannon – Penn State World Campus. Virtual Worlds Best practices in Education: VWBPE 2009 Conference.
Invited Pre-Conference Workshop Presentation: Ask the Experts, 14th Annual Sloan-C International Conference on Online Learning. November 2008. Panel: Alexandra M. Pickett, the SUNY Learning Network; Michelle Pacansky-Brock, Sierra College; Jason Scorza, Farleigh Dickinson University; Chuck Dziuban, University of Central Florida; Susan Oaks, Empire State College.
Invited plenary keynote address eFest 2008, delivered via elluminate, Aukland, NZ, September 9, 2008. The SUNY Learning Network Experiences: Key Elements and Lessons Learned from a large scale online faculty development program.
Invited speaker: the 21st century classroom: exploring the potential for teaching and learning. Faculty Development Day, St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY, August 28, 2008.
Invited visit and presentation to Penn State World Campus, August 6-8, 2008. Meetings and exchange with the Education, Marketing & Business staff of World Campus. Presentation: An overview of award-winning SUNY Learning Network Faculty Development Program. Presentation: An overview of web2.0 tools for instructional purposes in ETAP687, a moodle UAlbany course.
Invited panelist: Capital District Educational Technology Group (CDETG). Topic: The future of distance learning. June 13, 2008, Albany College or Pharmacy, Albany, NY.
Invited plenary address: Web2.0 tools for instructional and professional development purpose. Delivered online via skype and yugma on June 4th at 9am EST at the 3rd International Scientific and Methodological Conference on “Information and Communication Technologies in Foreign Language Teaching held in Moscow June 4th-5th 2008, at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Invited keynote address: Meeting the needs of diverse learners: Improve your online presence. May 19-21, 2008 – at the first annual University of Alabama System Teaching with Technology Scholars Institute More than 100 UA faculty and staff from across the system attended this inaugural event of the 3 university system.
Invited presentation: A series of unfortunate online events, and how to avoid them. Online event delivered on April 30, 2008 at 12PM Mountain time (2PM Eastern) for the online faculty, staff, and administrators of the University of Montana as part of a system-wide professional development initiative. All 10 campuses in the system participated in this event.
Invited Conference Workshop Presentation: NERCOMP (a regional affiliate of Educause – Teaching Faculty to Teach Online. Workshop: Successful Online Faculty Development Programs: 5 Key Elements. April 8, 2008, Norwood, MA.
Invited Pre-Conference Workshop Presentation: Successful online faculty development programs: 5 Key Elements, 13th Annual Sloan-C International Conference on Online Learning. November 2007. Panel: Alexandra M. Pickett, the SUNY Learning Network; Carolyn Siccama, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Shari McCurdy, University of Illinois Springfield.
Invited Presentations: Conference on Instructional Strategies for Blended and Online Learning. Academic Impressions. Boston, MA. June 13-15, 2007.
Pre-conference workshop: Designing courses for the needs of diverse learners. Presentation: What works? The Role of a successful Blended/Online Instructor.
Invited Keynote Address: 2nd International Scientific and Methodological Conference on “Information and Communication Technologies in Foreign Language Teaching”, Moscow 7th-8th June, 2006, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Invited Panelist: “Electronic Delivery of Accounting Education: Methods, Opportunities, and Issues,” 2005 Accounting Educators Conference, Foundation for Accounting Education, Albany, NY, November 12, 2005.
Invited Panelist: “Continuing Education: Expand your opportunities by expanding your mind” 40Below Summit, Syracuse, NY. Two panel presentations, October 7, 2005.
Sloan-C workgroup to create an online faculty certification program, May 2005.
Keynote/Plenary Address: Sloan-C Spring 2004 Online Learning Research Workshop: Interaction and Satisfaction, March 15, 2004.
Invited Presentation to the Continuing Ed. Association, Rensselaerville Institute Conference Center, Rensselaerville, NY, May 9, 2002.
Invited as co-recipient: Sloan-C awards 2002, November 2002, Orlando, Florida for presentation of the Sloan-C award for Excellence in Institution-Wide ALN Programming to the State University of New York Learning Network (SLN).
Invited as co-recipient: EDUCAUSE – October 2001 – Interviewed for documentary and invited to the plenary as co-recipient for the EDUCAUSE Award for Systemic Improvement in Teaching and Learning.
Invited as co-recipient: Sloan-C awards 2001, November 16, 2001, Orlando, Florida for the presentation of the 2001 Sloan- C Award for Excellence in ALN Faculty Development.
Invited Presentation: Instructional Design Institute at Cobleskill, 7/11/01, What works? ID for Online Teaching and Learning for 15 non-SLN Cobleskill faculty.
Invited Presentation to Turkish Higher Ed. Council 7/17/01.
Invited: Moscow, Russia: Joint SLN/SUNY Moscow State University project: June 11 – June 18, 2001. Provided training in online course development and teaching and learning to Russian faculty as part of a collaboration between various SUNY colleges, International Programs, and Moscow State University.
Invited Presentation: “What Works? Instructional Design for Teaching and Learning Online” to the faculty and staff of Colgate University, and to Hamilton College via video conference, at Colgate University; April 26, 2001; Hamilton, New York
Invited Presentation: Third annual Sloan workshop at SUNY at the Sagamore, Lake George, NY. September, 2001. Faculty Satisfaction and Student Learning in SLN.
MERLOT conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 15 & 17, 2000: Invited Speaker: Incorporating MERLOT into SLN Faculty Development Processes
Invited Presentation: “What Works? Instructional Design for Teaching and Learning Online” TLT Center Director’s meeting, November 9-10, 2000, Syracuse, NY.
Invited Presentation: Second annual Sloan workshop at SUNY at the Sagamore, Lake George, NY. September 17-20, 2000, Measure of Learning Effectiveness in the SUNY Learning Network.
Invited Presentation: First annual Sloan workshop at the University of Illinois/Champagne-Urbana, 1999, Student Satisfaction and Perceived Learning in the SUNY Learning Network & Faculty Satisfaction in the SUNY Learning Network.