July 14

SU13 Module3 learning activities assignment feedback

Below you will find individual podcast episodes of my feedback for you on your learning activities assignment from module 3. I would encourage you to listen to the feedback and incorporate it into your “build it” assignment for this module as you build the learning activities into your course shell. I would also encourage you listen to the feedback podcast episodes other than your own. http://www.podomatic.com/playlist/alexandrapickett/660849

Click on the images in the widget below to scroll through and find your feedback.

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July 6

learning activities feedback

Below you will find individual podcast episodes of my feedback for you on your learning activities assignment from module 3. I would encourage you to listen to the feedback and incorporate it into your “build it” assignment for this module as you build the learning activities into your course shell. I would also encourage you listen to the feedback podcast episodes other than your own. http://www.podomatic.com/playlist/alexandrapickett/470610


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July 10

Learning Activities feedback

Below you will find individual podcast episodes of my feedback for you on your learning activities assignment from module 3. I would encourage you to listen to the feedback and incorporate it into your “build it” assignment for this module as you build the learning activities into your course shell. I would also encourage you listen to the feedback podcast episodes other than your own.

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July 12

learning activities feedback

Hi there!

Here you will find the feedback on the module 3 learning activities assignment. I recommend that listen to each others feedback.

Below you will find a playlist of podcasted feedback for your Module 3 learning activities assignment. Scroll the playlist to find your name, select it, and it will auto launch the podcast for you to listen to your feedback.

You can also access your feedback via a playlist found here:


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June 28

Course Info Feedback

Hi there!

Here you will find the feedback on this assignment. I recommend that listen to each others feedback especially Joan, Joy, Melissa and/or Mike’s. The feedback at this stage is fairly general and would apply and be informative to everyone in the class. If you have not yet, please enroll in each others courses so you can see what and how your classmates are doing in their own courses. : ) me

Below you will find a playlist of podcasted feedback for your Module 2 course info assignment. Scroll the playlist to find your feedback. Select the one with your name. It will auto launch the podcast for you to listen to your feedback.

You can also access your feedback via a playlist found here:


Category: Uncategorized | 1 Comment on Course Info Feedback
July 11

Module 3 – learning activities podcasted feedback

i am using gcast (the widget below) to give you access to your podcasted audio feedback  to your module 3 written assignment. (You can also access your feedback here: http://www.gcast.com/u/alexandrapickett/main). I have done a separate individualized podcast for each of you labeled with your name. Feel free to listen to each other’s podcasts.

You may only see one post listed in the widget below. If so, to see the whole playlist from which you can select your individualized podcast click on the word “posts” in the lower center of the widget. This will bring up the entire playlist from which you can choose the one that belongs to you.

Please let me know if you have any problems accessing this feedback.

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